Mortgage Loan
We would like you to have a property in favorable conditions. Repay a loan and become an owner of a real estate instead of paying rent, use our mortgage loan pay montly installment instead of rent. You have the opportunity to use a mortgage loan in GEL and USD, up to 12-year period.
And besides you need a loan to purchase land and other real estate, visit any branch of Ziraat Bank.
Loan features:
- Interest rate – from 7.9%, (Effective interest rate from 11.9%)
- Minimum loan amount – 10.000 USD or 20.000 GEL (Up to GEL 200 000 Credits can be disbursed only in National Currency for Individual and Entrepreneurs of Georgian citizens)
Consumer Loan
- The borrower's age – a person from 18 untill 65 with a stable income,
- Minimum loan amount – 3.000 USD or 5.000 GEL (Up to GEL 200 000 Credits can be disbursed only in National Currency for Individual and Entrepreneurs of Georgian citizens)
- The maximum loan term - 36 months
- Currency - GEL / USD
- Interest rate – from 14.9% (Effective interest rate from 16.5%.)
Consumer loans collaterized with real estate
- The borrower's age – a person from 18 untill 65 with a stable income
- Minimum loan amount - 5.000 USD or 10.000 GEL (Up to GEL 200 000 Credits can be disbursed only in National Currency for Individual and Entrepreneurs of Georgian citizens)
- The maximum loan term - 84 months
- Monthly income - at least the double amount of the monthly installment
- Loan currency - GEL / USD
- Interest rate – from 11.9% (Effective interest rate from 14.5 %)"